The First Snow in November

Nov 24, 2016 17:37
It snowed today in the Kanto region in Japan.

It is the first time in 54 years that the first snow falls in November in Tokyo, so this weather is really rare.

Since I didn't change my car tires to snow tires, I had to go to work by train.

As expected, the train was very crowded, and it made me tired.

Also, it's still the autumn color season, so we can see the scenery that snows are piled up on autumn leaves.

I'm feeling a little strange.

It might become more beautiful as more snows are piled up, but I hope that they will melt quickly so that I can commute to work smoothly.







No. 1 Tinbum's correction
  • It snowed today in the Kanto region in Japan.
  • It snowed today in the Kanto region in/of Japan.
  • It is the first time in 54 years that the first snow falls in November in Tokyo, so this weather is really rare.
  • It is the first time in 54 years that the first snow in Tokyo falls in November, so this weather is really rare.
  • Also, it's still the autumn color season, so we can see the scenery that snows are piled up on autumn leaves.
  • Also, it's still the autumn color season, so we can see the scenery that snows are piled up on the autumn leaves.
  • It might become more beautiful as more snows are piled up, but I hope that they will melt quickly so that I can commute to work smoothly.
  • It might become more beautiful as more snows are piles up, but I hope that it will melt quickly so that I can commute to work smoothly.
     'Snow' is an uncountable noun, so we use 'is' etc.
Very good writing! It sounds very pretty
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I'm glad to hear you say that (^^)
No. 2 ピポ's correction
  • The First Snow in November
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is the first time in 54 years that the first snow falls in November in Tokyo, so this weather is really rare.
  • It is the first time in 54 years that the first snow fell in November in Tokyo, so this weather is really rare.
     It is the first time in 54 years that the first snowfall in Tokyo for the year happened in November.
    It is the first time in 54 years that snow first came as early as November in Tokyo.
  • Since I didn't change my car tires to snow tires, I had to go to work by train.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • As expected, the train was very crowded, and it made me tired.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Also, it's still the autumn color season, so we can see the scenery that snows are piled up on autumn leaves.
  • Also, the autumn leaves are still out, so we can see the snow piled on top of the autumn leaves.
     piled on top of = piled up on

    Also, it's still autumn, so...
  • I'm feeling a little strange.
  • It feels a bit strange.
     It feels a little strange/weird.
    It's kinda strange/weird.
    It seems a bit strange.

    「I'm feeling a little strange.」は「私は気分が少し悪いと感じ」のような響きがあります。
Was there really enough snow for snow tires?
In the region I live in everyone freaks out if there is a quarter inch of snow and everyone drives really slowly and school has to close. lol
Thank you so much for the corrections and explanations!

There were finally 2 inches of snow here, so we had to use snow tires.

> In the region I live in everyone freaks out if there is a quarter inch of snow and everyone drives really slowly and school has to close. lol
Interesting! :)
In my city, only if there is more than a feet of snow, trains will stop and schools will close.
If it snows where I live, people don't actually freak out because of the snow. The news channels always warn people about black ice. Black ice (路面凍結) is water that comes from snow melting and refreezes on the roads during the night.

Here's a comedy skit from Key & Peele:
“Black ice” and “black guys” sound similar so the video is about them describing black ice, but it's really a joke about black people.
Oh, now I understand. Indeed black ice is quite dangerous.
And thank you for letting me know the funny video. lol

By the way, I said "snow tire" (スノータイヤ), but most Japanese people actually use "studless tire" (スタッドレスタイヤ), which doesn't slip on the ice.
Studless tires, huh. It rarely snows where I live so I have never heard about studded tires or studless tires, lol. If there is snow on the roads, then every one just drives around at like 5 or 10mph. My dad once said something about people wrapping chain around their tires, but I've never seen it done other than on the internet.